Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 22 - Turkey Day

Thanksgiving 2012 was great!! We started the day with some delicious breakfast bread made by Aunt Brenda (thank you!!), before Kincaid and I headed out to Grandma C's to start cooking!  While growing up, I spent many hours baking with my grandma, so I was pumpted to be able to help her out again!  We had a great time cooking and talking as we prepared the Thanksgiving meal!  I learned so much from her, and am so grateful for that time together! 

We had a delicious meal with Grandma, Dad and Aunt Dianne and Uncle Shane, and Kincaid had fun hanging out with them for the first time!  We had a great afternoon full of conversation and football (tough loss for the Lions, but great game!!), and we wrapped it up by hanging out with Tyson in the evening!  It was a fun, relaxing day for all of us, and so happy to be home with family!

(I'll add some pictures to this post later this weekend!)

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