Sunday, December 16, 2012

Whew - Turkey Day Part II

So, I'm a little behind!  I guess posting everyday up to Thanksgiving wore me out!  

Let's start by filling you in on the rest of our Thanksgiving weekend.  Part 1 was with dad's side, and Part two took place Friday night - Sunday with mom's side.  We had another fun few days with extended family and lots of delicious, though untraditional Thanksgiving day, food!  We're happy to have gotten in our fill of turkey and stuff the day before, but didn't hesitate to eat up the oysters, mac & cheese and other delicious fixin's mom made up!  We also had a really great game of football, though Jon's team won :( lol.  It was a great time and we were SORE for the next few days!  

Kincaid had a blast with Zayley, and it was so cute to watch them play together.  Most of the time Caid seemed in awe of her, and she would just babble and play while he watched.  Other times, they would both be just having fun together!  I wish I had pics, but they are temp unavailable as the computer they are on crashed!  Yikes - hope they get recovered!!

Up Next - All Good Things Must Come to an End....

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