Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 3 - Mr. Incredible

My Mr. Incredible

This guy does it all!  From errands like grocery shopping, yard work, laundry folding, and toilet cleaning, to just being there when he is needed most to support and encourage!  Doing household chores and errands does not even come close to his top "50 things I'd love to do with my free time."  However, he chips in (and has even begun to do so willingly) in order to give me a break and help us to both have balanced lives!  Jon is the best father, and some of the best moments of my days are when I see Kincaid's eyes light up when he spots his papa, or when I hear the two of them laughing and playing together!! I love that he is the one I get to raise Kincaid with; to laugh and cry with; to be silly and real with!  So very thankful for my Mr. Incredible!  I've been known to fuss about this or that from time to time, but really, I am so very blessed to have this guy as my partner and BFF!  

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