Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 11 - First time evers

I'm so thankful for first-time-ever things!  Today, Kincaid got to have another first time ever - eating something besides breast milk!! I had decided that I wasn't going to give him any rice cereal until 6 months because he's been doing great with nursing, and he's continued to sleep pretty well through the night.  And THEN the time change happened!  He's been going to sleep early and waking up at crazy hours at night!  Cait told me Zayley was doing the same thing, so she introduced rice.  I was still hesitant to add anything into Kincaid's diet - what is one more month of interrupted sleep???

Well, on a whim, I decided to grab some rice cereal tonight while at the grocery store, and we gave it a try!  Check it out the first bites....

He did really great - so fingers crossed he sleeps great :) Either way, our little guy is quickly moving towards solids, and we are in for lots of fun and messy meal times!

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