Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rain, rain go away!

"But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God.'" - Psalm 31:14 

These last months, this has been at the forefront of my  Trust  specifically in God.  Trusting Him to safely deliver our baby; trusting Him to help Jon and I transition into parenthood; trusting Him to help us to balance work, family, life.  Trust.  

While we had our moments, trusting Him with those areas was relatively easy.  What has been much, MUCH harder for me is to TRUST our GOD with areas that I have less control over.  To trust that the thousands of dollars we are pouring into our house in GR for repairs is for a purpose.  To trust that He will lead us in the right direction for His purpose for our lives when deciding whether we should sell or keep our house.  To trust that, as our savings dwindles, He will continue to provide for our financial needs (but I have wants too, Lord!!) in the midst of this trial. 

The thing to know about me is that I get stressed easily over finances!  I'm a planner and enjoy doing our family finances. I'm also not a big spender!  You know how some people get stressed and spend, spend, spend to comfort themselves??? That's NOT me!  When I get stressed, I want to save, save, SAVE :) So, knowing that, I have an awesome praise!! Our God is so GOOD!! He's SO GOOD because even in the midst of all we have going on right now, I'm calm!  I'm NOT freaking out about where we're at, and I'm just doing my best to continue to hand each new incident to Him (like when we got yet another text from our tenant saying there was a leak in the kitchen two days ago!!)!  

Lately, with our house in GR, an appropriate saying would be "when it rains it pours."  Seriously!  BUT having been fortunate enough to be running from a rainstorm a couple of weekends ago, we saw several beautiful, FULL Rainbows (literally the entire rainbows, beginning to end), and I'm reminded that beautiful things come from rainy days!  So, we're along for the ride and looking for the beautiful things each day has to hold!  

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