Monday, August 6, 2012

Most amazing two months!

It is so hard to believe that just two short months ago, I was wrapping my mind around the fact that I was now a mom as my arms were wrapped around our new little boy!  There are times that it seems cruel how quickly time passes, and this would definitely be one of them!  Every day we have the pleasure of waking up to the sound of this little guy's chatter (okay - his grunting, gentle fussing, hungry snorting)!  

Look how big!! He can sit quite easily in the rocker on his own!  He's also becoming a master bubble blower, enjoys bath time, will grasp objects briefly, loves to study the lion/monkey on his baby bouncer, does a great job tracking people and toys, travels great in the car, and always wants to be facing out so he can see what is going on in the world!

and....of course, he has the most precious, amazing smile that instantly fills us with joy!! My favorite part of the morning is seeing this!

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