Monday, August 6, 2012

A Visit to the Health Center

Today Kincaid had his 2-month birthday!  And for meeting that milestone, he won a trip to the health center for some vaccinations: yeah!  Mommy was very worried about him, but he did an amazing job; he barely cried.  And to top it off, we got his percentiles for his measurements.  He is above the 95th percentile in height (25.5 in.), in the 95th percentile for weight (13# 11oz.) for his age, and in the 75th percentile for weight for his height.  When the nurse came in with the percentile chart, she asked me if I liked basketball or wrestling.  I responded by saying, "basketball."  She said, "Oh good because you don't have a wrestler!"  He's a Vande Kopple: tall and skinny.

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