Monday, May 28, 2012


Here are some ares of life that I am currently obsessed with: babies, granola bars and week 39. Okay, obsession might be too strong, but it's pretty close :)

Our new niece!! That's right! It is officially Uncle Jon and Aunt Tiff! Cait had her baby on Saturday, May 26 - her due date! Zayley Njogu joined the world at a healthy 7lbs 15 oz and 19" long (I think I got those numbers right!)!! She is beautiful, and I'm so bummed that I have to WAIT to meet her! I'm so thrilled for Cait that she didn't have to be induced and that she had a healthy natural delivery like she wanted! From what I've heard, James is one proud papa and Cait is recovering well!

Next, granola bars. Not just ANY granola bars, but homemade ones. I came across a delicious recipe. and we love them! The recipe is great for tweaking it based on what we're in the mood for or favorite ingredients, they freeze really well and are just as delicious within a few minutes of pulling them out of the freezer as they are after cooling! These aren't crunchy bars if that is your thing, though! Yesterday I quick made up some oatmeal/cinn and choc. chip for Jon to snack on at the hospital! These are awesome not only because of how yummy they are, but really even more so because of how few ingredients go into them and how quickly I can whip up a batch! I'll share the recipe soon!

Finally, it's week 39 and hopefully the final week of pregnancy! I've LOVED being pregnant, and really have felt great with a few minor exceptions these last 39 weeks! Now that the end is in sight, it feels so far away, but I want it to be here now! We are so ready to meet our baby!! I'm also ready to be done at work! Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my job and my coworkers are great! BUT, I'm tired and ready to just hang out with my baby for a couple months!!

The Lord amazes me at His creation. I am just in awe of how awesome He is and the endless possibilities that exist for how He created our child! We can't wait to find out!! I'm also very ready to leave behind acid reflux! Ugh! It's probably my biggest complaint about pregnancy! :) Our appointment is on Wednesday, so we'll see where things stand then!

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