Sunday, February 9, 2014

No more Sand Man

About a week ago, we finally had Kincaid's procedure to open up his left tear duct.  While it is a very minor procedure, it was still stressful and we're glad to have it done!  

After visiting with an eye specialist a few months ago, we agreed it was okay to wait awhile longer to see if the duct would open up on it's own like his right eye had.  However, in the weeks leading up to the procedure, his eye was getting visibly goopier and Kincaid was starting to complain about it.  We made the call and had him scheduled within two weeks.  

The procedure itself takes less than a minute to perform.  Kincaid and I had an early start to the morning, leave home about 6am on a cold and snowy morning.  We arrived just in time to check in at 7am, and by about 7:20 we were busy watching Mickey Mouse, talking with the nurses/drs, and getting ready to go.  They took Kincaid kicking and screaming back into the OR about 7:45am, and brought him back very groggy and screaming by about 8:15am.  He was a champ and his eye has looked amazing ever since!  Here are some shots of our morning.  

Ride to the hospital:

All settled in and happily watching Mickey Mouse Club House...not aware of what is about to happen:

Groggy from being put under, and glad to finally be snuggling each other again!

All ready to head home.  Look at those sweet baby blues:

Thank the Lord for His provision, for helping the procedure to go smoothly, and for Kincaid's quick recovery this past week!!  No more Sand Man for this little least not on a daily basis!

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