Well we've had a laid back week with both Kincaid and I fighting a cold and cough. I am just praying that I'll be healthy by the time baby makes his/her way into the world. As it is, my lung capacity is diminished with less breathing room in the oven, but this cough has made it even worse! I feel like I'm on the mend and my sinus headache that's made most of this week less than enjoyable, not to mention much more difficult to sleep, seems to have subsided as of last night. Caid also seems to be coughing less and the runny nose is about gone. Prayers we both heal up in the next week or so!
Caid finally has been both eating and sleeping better! Since his procedure at the end of January, we've been working hard to reestablish a good sleeping routine and working to get him to sleep through the night again. He mastered climbing over the baby gate we kept at his door, so we've resorted to closing his door at night. I'm happy to report that he no longer scrambles out of bed when we leave each night and he is sleeping straight through the night again. So, those short spurts of tears and cries for momma were worth enduring for us all to get better rest!
Kincaid has also become a master sharer this week. He has become much more willing to share bites of his food with Grace. Perhaps that's because he's decided that it's okay to have a few bites here and there of Grace's food! GROSS!!! When he ate her food the other day I wanted to throw up! Ick! So, we've been trying to prevent repeat attempts. However, tonight we got home a little later than usual and I look over to see him munching on something knowing full well that neither Jon nor I had given him anything to eat since we were 5 minutes away from dinner time! What could it be?? Yep, dog food AGAIN! I suppose it could be worse, but seriously!
Now on to this 36 week visit! We are so excited to have Baby VK join our family, BUT we also are cherishing our time together as we count down! I'd really like to go full term because of work reasons, but we will just have to wait and see! I'm at the end of my 36th week, with Monday being the start of my 37th! At my dr appointment today, baby's heart rate was 140 and I measured at 37 weeks. So, growth seems to have evened out for now, which I'm great with since people seem to have no reservations about reminding me about just how pronounced by baby bump has become these last couple of weeks! The other news to report is that dr said I'm dilated to 2, not quite 3. So, progress and at an early pace than with Kincaid which I suppose isn't surprising since this is the second time around. It does however make us a bit nervous, and we'll be stepping into high gear this weekend getting some of our final baby prep wrapped up!
So, with 3 weeks to go, we are going to make the most of these last days with Kincaid as an only child! We also put in his 2 week notice with child care today since Jon will be on spring break after that and then I'll be on maternity leave! We'll miss having him play with all of the great kids there and learning from the awesome providers, but I'm excited to be home for a couple months with my two sweet kiddos (please remind of this when I'm sleep deprived and grumpy!)
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