Sunday, February 9, 2014

Life through Pictures

There has been too many weeks that have passed for me to try to fill you in fully with words, so I'll spare you :)  You'd rather see our sweet guy than read my ramblings anyhow!  So, here are some of our fun adventures and outings from the recent past: 

Kincaid now sleeps in his toddler bed instead of the crib.  We started the transition in late December and were fully in for full nights and naps by early January.  Until recently, he'd stay in bed until we came to get him.  Now, he gets up, turns on and off his light and reads/plays OR tries to climb over the baby gate in the doorway.  Pictured is his very first night falling asleep in his big boy bed :)

Kincaid loves all things that stack or he can line up.  He also loves to color/paint/create.

Kincaid continues to love, LOVE being outside.  Whether it's the playground, a mound of dirt, going on walks or gathering cool treasures, he is content to be outside getting dirty, climbing and running around!

 At 19 months, we finally decided to flip Caid around to forward facing!  His legs can now stretch out and he LOVES being able to see all the action!  He especially loves seeing all the trucks coming down the road, and playing peek a boo with momma in the vanity mirror!

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