Sunday, February 9, 2014

Family Valentine's Date

Let me start by asking that you forgive the poor photo quality!  Hubs forgot the camera, so the grainy Ipod photos will just have to do :) 

Since Jon and I have some mega cleaning plans on the books for V-day weekend, we decided to have a Family Date Day!  It was so much fun!! We started out by taking Kincaid to the Sternberg Museum.  It was very cool, and fun to see him take it all in!  Kincaid loved looking at all the live snakes and at the mounted animals.  He was more than a little creeped out by the giant T-Rex, especially when it started to move!!  
He's already been once, but it was our first time! After our afternoon at the museum, we had a great dinner at Gella's followed by a night at home watching Land Before Time.  It was the perfect date with my two favorite guys!!

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