Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trouble in Doggie Land

Poor Gracie!  She had a rough day yesterday!  While having our morning coffee on the porch, I noticed that one of her ears was swollen.  Jon ended up taking her down to the vet to have her checked out.  While there, she had her thyroid tested for the second time (she's been on meds for a month after having what we believe was a seizure potentially related to her thyroid), had an engorged tick removed from her neck (we Jon really does thoroughly inspect her after being outdoors), and she had to have her ear drained.  It was swollen because of an aural hematoma which I guess is basically a pocket of blood.  So, our sweet pup is now on more meds and has to endure this for a couple of days:

Poor girl!! It's rough gettin older!  AND, she keeps bumping into EVERYTHING!  That cone gets caught on the littlest edge and she gets all tangled.  I think we'll all be glad when we can take it off!! 

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