Saturday, May 18, 2013

King of the slide!

We've had some beautiful evenings lately!! We've really tried to take advantage of them by getting in a walk or playing at the park!  We really love the park here in town as it has 3 primary play areas based on the age of kiddos.  They also have square soft pads instead of mulch so Kincaid isn't distracted by objects he thinks he needs to taste test!  Instead, he focuses on playing!! :) 

Recently, Kincaid has learned how to climb up the steps and go down the slide on the 2-5 year old play gym.  He is awesome and we love watching him!  Down side - he has decided it's too little for him and he is on to bigger and better play gyms!  He wants to be on the big kid equipment!! lol.  Anyhow, here's a video of K in action!

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