Saturday, May 18, 2013

A tradition in the making???

I sure hope so!! If it means this deliciousness for 12 mornings in a row (ha! like I can only eat one a day!!) then YES, PLEASE, PLEASE let it be our new Mother's Day tradition for Jon to gift scones over flowers!! 

My first "official" Mother's Day was spent with Kincaid, my mom, sibs and sweet niece for breakfast/lunch, and then I raced back to Stockton to spend the afternoon with K & Jon!! We had a great dinner from Gella's and I got the sweetest note from Kincaid - kindly drafted by his daddy!  Jon made three attempts Sunday-Tuesday to buy me flowers, but it just wasn't meant to be!  So, he resorted to scones (at my very clear recommendation), and I was so pumped!! 

I'm feeling so very blessed by Kincaid, and am so grateful every day that I'm his momma!  There are also some amazing women that have taught me so much about being a woman and mom, so a shout out to just a few of you: mom, Wanda, Gma W, Gma S, Cait, Karen, Lena.  You are all amazing, beautiful women, and each of you has taught and continues to teach me more about myself and being a mother.  There are so many more of you out there, too.  It's impossible to name you without accidentally forgetting somebody.  Past coworkers, past/current friends who are expecting/new/experienced moms.  I've just been richly blessed to encounter so many Godly women at every stage of motherhood!  Thanks to you all, and hope that on Sunday you felt like the special mom you are!   

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