Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tornadoes in the Heartland

Whew!  Last night I was reminded why a basement is/always will be a MUST on any house that we live in!  Thankfully, the weather missed us here in town, BUT back home, they weren't so lucky.  They had 4 tornados last night and I know everybody is so grateful that nobody was hurt!!  One family lost their entire home, another had some significant damage to their house, and a number of others had damage to buildings, roofs, windows.  There will be a lot of helping hands today!  

Here is a pic taken from across the road from Tyson's house looking west. 

Check out the Rozel tornado footage caught by the Weather Channel storm chasers!

Trouble in Doggie Land

Poor Gracie!  She had a rough day yesterday!  While having our morning coffee on the porch, I noticed that one of her ears was swollen.  Jon ended up taking her down to the vet to have her checked out.  While there, she had her thyroid tested for the second time (she's been on meds for a month after having what we believe was a seizure potentially related to her thyroid), had an engorged tick removed from her neck (we Jon really does thoroughly inspect her after being outdoors), and she had to have her ear drained.  It was swollen because of an aural hematoma which I guess is basically a pocket of blood.  So, our sweet pup is now on more meds and has to endure this for a couple of days:

Poor girl!! It's rough gettin older!  AND, she keeps bumping into EVERYTHING!  That cone gets caught on the littlest edge and she gets all tangled.  I think we'll all be glad when we can take it off!! 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

King of the slide!

We've had some beautiful evenings lately!! We've really tried to take advantage of them by getting in a walk or playing at the park!  We really love the park here in town as it has 3 primary play areas based on the age of kiddos.  They also have square soft pads instead of mulch so Kincaid isn't distracted by objects he thinks he needs to taste test!  Instead, he focuses on playing!! :) 

Recently, Kincaid has learned how to climb up the steps and go down the slide on the 2-5 year old play gym.  He is awesome and we love watching him!  Down side - he has decided it's too little for him and he is on to bigger and better play gyms!  He wants to be on the big kid equipment!! lol.  Anyhow, here's a video of K in action!

11 Months!!

At 11 Months Old

Kincaid is on the move and more fun than ever!! Here is the entry I made in his baby book:

It is surreal that in one month, we'll have had Kincaid with us for a year!  This month, Kincaid became increasingly determined to walk!  He is so adorable as he teeters around with his arms out for balance!  He loves to open/close all the doors to the rooms, and can be occupied by this for quite some time!  He is sleeping great as well!  He loves Gracie and always gets a huge grin when he sees her!  However, he also doesn't take any crap from her, and he just plows right over, under or around her if she gets in his way!  He is a great eater and still hasn't rejected any foods!  We love him to pieces and are so grateful for him each day!

Whew!  It was hard to snag these pics!  He loves to make the chair rock and about flips face forward every time!  We had to be quick!! Doesn't he just look like a little boy and not a baby!?!?

Play time with Grandpa!

A number of weeks ago (almost caught up w/ the blogs!!) Jon headed to Hays to take care of grocery shopping (isn't he the best hubby?!?) and arranged a play date with Grandpa Mark at the Hays park!  It got pretty warm that day, so they had to hang out in the shelter, but as you'll see, they still had fun!  K sure loves his grandpa!

Spring Break/Easter - Part 3

Whew - we took a ton of pics!! I've just discovered some more from the Easter/Spring Break week that were on Jon's camera!  Here goes!