Sunday, June 22, 2014

Liam - 2 month photo dump

Whew!  Time sure has flown and we've been doing our best to enjoy every moment of it!  

At 2 months, Liam weighted 14+ lbs, was 24" and right on track!  He smiles all the time and has recently started to giggle on a daily basis!  Few things warm my heart more than his sweet smile, bright eyes and laughter!  He likes to watch his big bro, loves to snuggle and always wants to be on the move whether in the car or walking around the house!  He is a true joy and gift! 

Liam is getting ready to turn 3 months old this coming week, so here is a photo dump of some special moments these first couple of months as a family of 4!  

Easter 2014
We'd hoped to spend the morning at church with Grandpa, but he was under the weather all Easter weekend with the flu :( On the bright side, we did manage to capture a quick family picture (which has become increasingly difficult with Kincaid always on the move), and we got to spend some time with GGma, Uncle Tyson and Aunt Kathy!

Liam turns 1 month old!!

This picture melts my heart - so full of love!!

Mother's Day 2014
Kincaid went to the zoo for the afternoon, while Jon, Liam and I did some shopping!  On Mother's Day, we spent a nice day together as a family, and I got spoiled by my awesome hubby!

Liam turns 2 months!

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