Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kincaid's 1st bday

Yep!  You read that title right!  Last summer we celebrated our little man turning 1!  So, before I post about our big 2 year old's celebrations earlier this month, I wanted to show you our special day 1 year ago! 

That day was so fun and full of special memories, and it is also cause for both much joy and a bit of heartache as I write this post.  That weekend, we celebrated the life of Kincaid and were so blessed to have all of Kincaid's grandparents present.  We had no idea that just a few short weeks later, we'd lose Opa Bill.  It's been quite a year without him here with us, but we are also reminded that he is singing God's praises in heaven every moment of the day, and will be for eternity.  

We are so grateful for the moments Kincaid was able to spend with him, and are so grateful for the moments Kincaid, and now Liam, get to spend with all of the special people in our lives.  Whether that is an hour or a week; whether it's every week or a couple times a year; whether they live near or far; we are thankful for our loved ones making the most of the time they have with our boys when they can.  

So, here you are, a mega photo dump of Kincaid's 1st birthday!  
last night as an 11 month old!

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