Thursday, March 20, 2014

Grand Time

Kincaid spent Sunday playing with Grandpa, who is a big kid at heart!  They hit up the park, built towers and read books!  I think they both had a blast!  Kincaid woke up Monday morning looking for Grandpa, and again that day from his nap!  He will be happy to know that Grandpa is coming up for the day again today!  

This kiddo is going to be spoiled this next month as he'll see Grandpa today, Nonni next week and Oma the following two weeks.  SPOILED...or wait, that will be Jon and me! We'll be the ones waking up crying and looking for these amazing people come mid April!

If you want to spare us the tears, I am booking now for visitors.  We have a clean spare room, Jon's a great cook, and we will have two cute kids - one will keep you in shape with all the running around and the other will help you relax with all the sweet snuggles :) :) Takers?!?

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