Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mean Mommy

If you asked Kincaid about me on this evening, he'd have told you I was a mean mommy :) Why?  Because I wanted him to eat dinner and he wanted to watch a show :)

It's like that little saying all those grandma's and mom's on facebook are posting lately, 

"If you think I'm mean, it means I'm doing my job as your MOM.  If I was nice, you'd call me GRANDMA."

Here's to many "mean" mommy moments to come :) He still looks cute though, don't you think?? haha!

Friday, March 21, 2014


That's right...duped, cried wolf, tricked, deceived!  That is what my body did to me yesterday!  After over an hour of what I thought were contractions averaging about 6 mins apart, not Braxton Hicks, we decided it was the real deal and headed to the hospital.  We arrived, got settled in for observation and waited.  After an hour, the nurse came in and, while the contractions/BH did continue 4-6 minutes apart, there was no change in dilation or effacement (stats: dilatation: 3; station: -1; effacement: 50%), which left us the choice to stick around a little longer or head home.  So, we opted to head home and continue the waiting game!  Thankfully, dad had come up to hang with Kincaid for the day and he had graciously agreed to stick around until we got home!  It made a late night for him, but we were so grateful that Kincaid could stay snuggled in bed rather than having to be toted along for the ride.  

I had my 40 week appointment today, and since Jon is on spring break, we all got to go again!  Awesome news is that there was some progress!  Stats as of today: dilation: 4 and can stretch to 5; effacement: 50-60%; station: -2.  So, it feels as if it could be any day, but I've felt that for awhile and reality is it could easily be mid next week!  I have another appointment scheduled for Wednesday - 2 days past due date, and was told that at that point, we'd start discussions on being induced.  The nurse also said I can call at any time to get scheduled for an induction, but I'm going to opt to wait it out and let things progress on their own for now.  

So, I guess I'm thankful to have gone in last night even though we didn't bring baby home today!  It's encouraging to see the progress in 24 hours and I know that it is just a matter of time before we are holding the newest little, another full night of sleep (as full as they can be at 9 mths preggo) won't hurt either!  

Here's to hoping the next update is to announce our sweet little gift from God!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Grand Time

Kincaid spent Sunday playing with Grandpa, who is a big kid at heart!  They hit up the park, built towers and read books!  I think they both had a blast!  Kincaid woke up Monday morning looking for Grandpa, and again that day from his nap!  He will be happy to know that Grandpa is coming up for the day again today!  

This kiddo is going to be spoiled this next month as he'll see Grandpa today, Nonni next week and Oma the following two weeks.  SPOILED...or wait, that will be Jon and me! We'll be the ones waking up crying and looking for these amazing people come mid April!

If you want to spare us the tears, I am booking now for visitors.  We have a clean spare room, Jon's a great cook, and we will have two cute kids - one will keep you in shape with all the running around and the other will help you relax with all the sweet snuggles :) :) Takers?!?

Family Fun Time - Weeks 37-40

Ahh, 37 weeks, and the countdown is REALLY on!
Stats:  measured 37 weeks, babe's heart rate: 140; dilated to 2, not quite 3.

One of my personal favorite times of day is the mornings and bedtimes with Kincaid!  I especially love when he wakes up HAPPY, as he appears to be in the picture with Jon.  Can you see his enthusiasm?!?  I also hate to pass up morning snuggles, which I've had to do now that Jon is on spring break and Kincaid apparently really does have that sleepy VK gene!  All week my early riser (we're talking 6-6:30am until this past Monday) has slept until 8-8:30 every morning!  That means I don't get to see him from when I put him down for bed until I get home each evening...sad :( but glad he is getting good rest and thankful for the timing, as I know I'll be happy to have him sleeping in starting next week when I'm home with the new baby for a couple months!  As any reader of this blog knows, Kincaid loves to read morning, noon and night!  At night, he insists that we sit under the covers and is quite clear where he expects you to sit, "right there" he will say while pointing his sweet chubby fingers!  And who can resist that?? AND who can't help but love that sleepy face and bed head - can you see why I'm missing him each morning?!? Here is in (picture 4 above) slurping down his new favorite breakfast - smoothie!!

Climb, climb, climb!
Kiddo loves to climb, crawl, wrestle, throw, etc.!

Getting in some fun outdoor time on a pre-spring day!  Jon sure knows how to make this boy happy!  Give him fresh air and some dirt to play in, and he is happy.....sounds like his dad :)

Exploring the great outdoors on a walk a couple weeks ago.  It was BEAUTIFUL out, though VERY windy!  I feel like saying, DUH, every time I mention the wind here because we do live in Kansas!  I'll just help you all out!  Expect that every day here is windy unless noted otherwise!

One of his cute little quirks is that tongue always sticking out!  Can you see it in a couple of the pics?

38 weeks!
After a great lunch with some friends, we took a stroll and captured a couple pics of this ever growing bump and my silly boy Kincaid!

Stats:  measured 38 cm; babe's heart rate was 138; baby added 38lbs to my body! Yikes!! 

Love these two guys!!

At my 39 week appointment last Friday, I measured at 40, was dilated to 3 and baby's heart rate was 148.  It was a gorgeous day outside, and since Jon got out at noon for the start of spring break, he and Kincaid made the trip to Hays with me!

Caid spent time with Nonni and Granddude while Jon and I enjoyed the afternoon/evening together and dinner with Tyson/Kathy!  What an awesome day!

I'll be 40 weeks on Monday, and my final dr. appt will be this Friday (hopefully).  It's so hard to believe that this journey is coming to an end, but boy I am happy to be meeting this little one soon!  I think both Jon and I thought that the little one wouldn't hold out until the due date, but it's looking like that will be the case!  I'm okay if that changes and babes decides to come NOW!  I'm impatient!  (remind me of this next week when I'm sleep deprived!!)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Kincaid at Play

My, oh my!  Where has time gone?! Kincaid will be 21 months later this week, and in just 2 weeks, we'll be pulling him out of childcare to spend the next several months at home with Jon and/or me over spring break, maternity leave and summer break!  And in just T-3 weeks, he will be come a big brother!  

Kincaid is a ball of energy and loves to play, play, play!  He also loves to read, help in the kitchen anytime he can, run, talk, sing and dance!  He really is a true joy and light in our lives!  He has the best laugh and giggle and the brightest, sweetest blue eyes.  He also does this adorable thing as of late that if somebody he is talking to him that he doesn't know well, he kind of freezes and makes the cutest little face, and it's as if he's thinking "if I stand very still, they can't see me."  :) I love it! 

Anyhow, I just wanted to get down in the notes here some of the fun things Kincaid has been doing at childcare these past few months - I'm a bit behind!  So here we go...

December, Kincaid had fun:
-playing with the big kids
-coloring Christmas pictures
-building towers
-playing outside
-making new friends
-working on puzzles
-playing with trains

January, Kincaid had fun: 
-playing chase with his friend August while they both had phones in their hands
-building towers w/ blocks 
-listening to music and dancing
-reading books
-entertaining the babies
-participating in story hour
-making crafts
-playing with puzzles
-playing with cars & trucks
-playing outside
-playing follow the leader
-building train tracks
-reading books

February, (how is February already over?!), Kincaid had fun: 
-kicking and tossing the football
-with puzzles
-building train tracks
-writing on the chalkboard
-learning colors
-building tents
-chasing friends
-exchanging his first valentines
-playing outside

They do such a great job exposing Kincaid to different ages of kids and different activities!  We have been so grateful for the center opening up here in town, not having to put Kincaid on the road every day, and for the great care he gets!