Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!! 

We hope all of you out there had a fun and safe night!! We didn't go trick-or-treating this evening, but we did have a blast taking part in the annual parade through town!  All the kids dress up and parade through the nursing home and then up and down main street to all the businesses!  This is an awesome alternative to going door to door because it is warmer out, kids get to bed on time, and it's a blast to see all the kids parading through town!  We are so glad that we both got to be with Kincaid on his first year of offically dressing up and trick-or-treating :)  He did a great job (especially since, until last night, he had refused to keep his dino hat on) given all the walking we did and that we were running into his dinner time :) Love him so much and isn't he just the cutest dinosaur!?!

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