Sunday, October 27, 2013

Baby Bump @ 18 weeks

With our days flying by, I haven't taken time to document the rapid growth of Baby VK in the same way I did with Kincaid! Yikes!  So, to bring you up to speed on how things are progressing, I'm dedicating this post to Baby :)

He/She is now 18 weeks and the size of a sweet potato and has been moving like crazy!  I've been feeling nudges for the last week or two, and it is the best!  I can't wait for Jon to be able to feel the bumps as well!! I remember how exciting it was to share that with him the first time around, and know it will be again!  

Jon has a much crazier schedule this year, traveling to 3 different schools, so he hasn't been able to make it to any of our appointments yet.  However, I have been lucky enough to have Mr. Kincaid along for the last two visits.  He is my little protector and is not afraid to voice his objections to the nurse taking my blood pressure or listening to my pulse with the big scary stethoscope :) At my 14 week appointment, baby's heart rate was 155.  When I went last week, at 17 weeks, the heart rate was 150.  So, votes are flooding in that it will be another boy.  We'll see :) While Jon hasn't been able to make an appointment yet, we did get to FaceTime him last week so he did get to hear baby's heart beat and it was a great distraction for Kincaid :)

They say you tend to show more quickly with baby #2, which I think was true.  However, I don't feel like I'm growing any more quickly than I did with Kincaid.  Here is a little comparison: 

Baby #2 @ 18 weeks
Kincaid @ 16 weeks

We'll (yes, both me AND Jon) go on Nov 11th for my 21 week appointment and for a sonogram!  We can't wait to get our first glimpse at this sweet blessing!  

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