Sunday, June 3, 2012


Well - it's a big day for Jon! Today, he is 31 years old!! Like each of us, his story and journey are unique, but I'm so thankful for his being exactly what it has been! Without all the joys, triumphs, falls, pains, challenges, successes, and unexpectedness of life, I wouldn't know this same amazing man! I'm so grateful that the Lord allowed our paths to cross, and that I'm able to celebrate his life with him today! I'm so proud of the man that Jon is, the ways that I've seen him challenged in the past 3 years, the obstacles I've seen him overcome, the leaps of faith I've seen him take, and the evolution that has taken place in him personally and professionally! I can't imagine sharing my life with anybody else, and I'm so pumped to start a new phase of life together as parents!

Happy Birthday Love!!

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