Monday, June 11, 2012

Eating, Sleeping, Pooping

Right now Kincaid's life consists of the three aforementioned gerunds. So our lives consist of those three things. Thankfully, Grandma Kerri has been with us since we came home, allowing us to be able to stay on top of these activities (Thanks, Grandma Kerri!). So far, I have to say that Kincaid is an expert at eating, sleeping, and pooping. Speaking for myself, I am not an expert at taking care of the results of the eating, sleeping, and pooping. You'll have to ask Tiff as to whether she would consider herself an expert.
- Jon

Are you happy to be here, Kincaid??

His reply:
- Jon

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Kincaid is now 3 days old! Every time I look at him, I am SO GRATEFUL that he is here (especially after experiencing birth) and no longer tucked nicely inside the womb! Jon nicely highlighted the day, so I'm going to share my perspective on how things went down...

As I think I mentioned on the June 6 blog, I was up and ready to head to work early since I had a dr. appt scheduled for the afternoon and planned to leave early. J was coming along so that I would have to drive alone should something come up. We decided at about 6:25 that I wouldn't go in early, and we'd just wait and see how things were at 7:30 when I typically leave for work. Well, once 7:30 rolled around, we decided that since I was only working a half day anyways, we'd play it safe and just stay home until the appointment - no big deal. At that point, since the real/false contractions had been going steady for 5 hours with some occasional 15-20 min lulls, we consulted the nurses at Hays Med. They weren't sure that it was real labor, but let us know we could come at any point to be sure - not helpful, but thanks :)

Sometimes, I'm too practical for my own good. All I was thinking about was the 40 minute drive to Hays that I didn't want to make unnecessarily that early in the day. I know, we were planning to go that afternoon anyways, BUT what if we got all the way there at 9:00am only to find out it was false labor and then had the next 6 hours to kill before my appointment?!?! I started to think about how we'd have to spend money on lunch, and that would make our food budget tight, etc.... lol I know, so silly, but like I said, sometimes too practical for my own good. Thankfully, I just sucked it up and decided that it would be in Jon's and my best interest if we made the trip just to see and we'd see how things played out after that! As we started to wrap up a few things at the house (grabbing last min items - just in case; picking up the kitchen, feeding/watering Grace) the contractions were much more intense as I was standing up and were occurring more frequently....I was glad we'd decided to go get checked out after that!

Once in the car, the contractions continued and averaged about 5-7 minutes apart, but again there were some random 9 min, 3 min etc in there. The change with the contractions is that I started to feel them in my lower back and in my abdomen. Previously, they'd all just been in my abs which had been part of the confusion when we were trying to distinguish between real/false labor! We got to Hays around 9 (I think), and Jon called the hospital to let them know we'd be there soon. All this time, I thought we'd just stop by, fill them in on what I'd been experiencing, they'd check me out and then we'd take off if needed. WELL - they had a room all ready for me when we got there, and told me I'd have to get into a hospital gown. I asked if somebody could just do an exam to see how effaced/dilated I was and that is when she said I'd have to be there at least an hour on monitors before we'd know. So...with a sigh, I changed and got cozy on the hospital bed. After the nurse got me hooked up to the monitors to track the baby's heart rate and another to monitor the contractions, she did an exam, and then Jon and I just chilled and watched AFV!

When we arrived at the hospital, baby's heart rate was 135, I was dilated to 3 and 100% effaced.

Not long after the nurse finished the exam and got the monitors going, I felt a big gush. Like, literally a gush, there was no trickle or small leak! It definitely surprised me, and we quick buzzed the nurse to let her know and now there was no leaving! That was at 9:50am. We were in it for the long haul and knew that we'd be meeting our baby boy/girl later that day! After realizing that this was the real deal, I immediately was relieved that I'd not gone to work that morning! I could just imagine my water rushing all over my office chair or in the car! While it would have made an entertaining addition to this story, I'm glad it's a detail that I didn't have to worry about!!

Let me just tell you, I had no idea what was about to occur. I don't think there is anything that can prepare a woman for birthing a child except for the experience itself. Every woman, every situation is so unique (which is super annoying by the way for a first time mom that just wants to know what to expect!!) that it is just not possible to wrap your mind around what is about to happen! For me, well, let's just say that I'm certain I was NOT the quietest or cleanest patient ever. I was ready to push once I hit 5 cm and just be done with it! I couldn't imagine the pain getting worse...but boy howdy did it ever!

Jon was awesome during the whole process! He was patient, helped massage my lower back (where most of the contractions seemed to be after my water broke), fed me ice, breathed with me through the contractions, was encouraging, stayed strong, and coached me through the contractions by keeping an eye on the monitor and letting me know when I was at the peak. I can't imagine not having him there and am so thankful for him!!

Here is a run down of how I progressed:

9:50 am - flood gates burst
10:52am - 5 cm
12:48pm - 6-7 cm
12:58pm - 6-7 cm (Abby checked me again because I insisted and it felt like it'd been an hour, not 10 minutes!!)
1:19 pm - 8 cm (and very ready to push)
1:33 pm - 8-9 cm (again checked so soon because I insisted)
1:44 pm - 9 cm (and I assured them I was not going to make it to 10 cm!! My body was pushing and there was nothing I could do about it!!)
sometime between 1:44-2:00-ish, the nurse realized I wasn't kidding about not pushing, and she very kindly helped the last bit of my cervix along and pushing began.

It was such hard work, and I was exhausted. I remember seriously being so close to falling asleep between contractions. However, once pushing started, it was all hands on deck and a rush of adrenaline! Jon was right there beside me and I was motivated by the excitement I could see on his face as he first say the baby's hair! He became giddy and his face was glowing with excitement! Once baby's head came out, he was so pumped! I was relieved to have the head out and ready to be done pushing and to meet this baby!! It was the most incredible feeling once our baby boy was born, seeing Jon's face, and having the baby put on my chest! Kincaid Mark Vande Kopple joined us at 2:19pm! He was perfect, healthy, had a full head of dark hair, deep blue eyes and content! It was so surreal!

So...why did I title this Provisions? Jon and I have had so many conversations about how God has provided for us in tremendous ways throughout this pregnancy! From the timing aligning perfectly with my getting a job that provided good insurance, Jon's job security, the baby being due right when Jon was finished with school for the summer. Not to mention how amazing my pregnancy experience was! No morning sickness, healthy weight gain, minimal stretch marks (that I got in the last week of pregnancy - ugh!! so close!), good energy, minimal swelling in my hands/ankles in the last couple weeks of pregnancy - only enough to keep me from wearing my ring 2 days. Finally, that the Lord didn't send us to Hays in a severe thunderstorm (yep - that was one of my big fears!!), that I went to the hospital Wed morning instead of work, that I was WITH Jon Wed morning and didn't have to call him to say I was in labor, and most significantly, how He gifted us the most precious, handsome, healthy baby boy! There are so many other ways that God has provided for us through this move to KS! This is just one of the latest!

More to come on some FIRSTS for Kincaid since he's been home!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ladies and Gentleman...Kincaid!

Well he finally arrived! Kincaid Mark joined the Vande Kopple clan on June 6, 2012 at 2:19 PM. He tipped the scales at a whopping 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 22 in. long!
The background story is interesting. As you read from Tiffany's last post, we weren't sure what was going on that June morning. Was it the real thing? Was it a fake? We scoured the internet for help; unfortunately, it did not provide much. We finally decided to head to Hays and see if we were being delusional. They took us in with some pity at Hays Medical Center, giving us looks as if we were crazy. After they hooked Tiff up, though, the nurse, Abby, said she thought it was perhaps the real thing. All of the conjecture became a moot point in a few minutes, though. "Whoa, my water just broke," Tiff gushed (pun intended). A little over 4 hours later, Kincaid joined us. What a stud! He is a gorgeous baby! I went crazy when I started to see his head and hair. Tiff had the best look of excitement and relief on her face when he popped out. Tiffany did an amazing job during the whole delivery. She never backed down from the challenge, and I was so proud of her. It was the ultimate reward to see the look of pure love on her face as she held our little boy (Wow, that feels really weird to type). Later, Grandpa Mark, Grandma Kerri and Grand-dude John, and Great-grandma Sharon and Great-grandpa Brett joined us to bask in the glow of little Kincaid.
- Jon

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Well, here it is 2 days after my due date! Jon and I recently cast our predictions for when Baby VK would arrive, and so far, I'm wrong and he still has a chance! I went with my due date, June 4. Seemed like a great day, and I felt like history was on my side. My mom told me that my grandma had my Uncle David (her 1st) on his due date, and my mom had me (her 1st) on my due date. Soo... I felt like it was a strong track record :) Obviously, I was wrong, and it instead went to Cait to have Zayley (her 1st) on her due date :) Jon on the other hand went a couple days over, choosing June 6. Well here it is, June 6, and he just might have hit the nail on the head!

Since Friday, I've been having what I guess are Braxton Hicks consistently enough and with no pain or discomfort. I was feeling pretty good about that and glad for the progress my body seemed to be making. However, when Monday rolled around and there didn't really seem to be any other indicator, I started to get impatient! I then decided that I just am going to plan to be in this for the long haul, and if baby comes, then baby comes and it is the Lord's timing!! That has helped! Nights have been the worst the last few days because of the belly and difficulty changing positions, but also because of the anticipation of contractions!

Okay - back to Jon possibly hitting the nail on the head. I woke up at 2:30 this morning to what seemed to be a contraction and with pain this time. I started timing them at about 3:00am and finally got up to eat a few crackers and grab some water. Jon joined me about 4:30 when he realized I'd been out of bed awhile, and we've been timing the contractions since then. From what we can tell so far, it's false labor. However, there are some indicators that suggest real labor is near. So - we'll see if June 6 is the day or not :)

Jon has been adorable these last few days, and just is so excited to have the baby here! It's been so great to have the last couple of weeks with a clean house, projects done and just to have lots of R & R with Jon before the baby arrives! We are so blessed and can't wait for our new addition!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Well - it's a big day for Jon! Today, he is 31 years old!! Like each of us, his story and journey are unique, but I'm so thankful for his being exactly what it has been! Without all the joys, triumphs, falls, pains, challenges, successes, and unexpectedness of life, I wouldn't know this same amazing man! I'm so grateful that the Lord allowed our paths to cross, and that I'm able to celebrate his life with him today! I'm so proud of the man that Jon is, the ways that I've seen him challenged in the past 3 years, the obstacles I've seen him overcome, the leaps of faith I've seen him take, and the evolution that has taken place in him personally and professionally! I can't imagine sharing my life with anybody else, and I'm so pumped to start a new phase of life together as parents!

Happy Birthday Love!!

Awful, Beautiful Life

On Wednesday, I was driving to work early by myself so that I could leave at lunch and head to Hays for our 39 week check up. As I was driving, Darryl Worley's song, Awful, Beautiful Life came on the radio. While I really do enjoy the whole song, here are the lyrics that jumped out at me as I drove along:

I laid in bed that night and thought about the day
And how my life is like a roller coaster ride
The ups and downs and crazy turns along the way
It'll throw you off if you don't hold on tight
You can't really smile until you've shed some tears
I could die today or I might live on for years

I love this crazy, tragic,
Sometimes almost magic,
Awful, beautful life

These words are so true in our lives! Just that morning, I'd read a status update on Facebook from a dad who lost his son a week ago. His son had just graduated from my HS the week or two before, was up early driving to work, fell asleep at the wheel and had a head on collision with another car, injuring the other driver. I don't know this young guy, and I only recognize his dad by name. However, when I read the article in the paper, the comments online and how this dad was seeing his son in a new light - the way that others saw him, no longer just as he'd seen him all these years, and that he'd positively impacted so many people, I was convicted with the thought of how often we see the people we love most just as how we see them. Too often we don't see all of them, the way they treat/impact others, their joys, their fears, etc. We see snapshots and don't work to see the whole person. Even those we love most. This family is certainly on life's roller coaster ride right now, clinging tightly so as not to fly off as they adjust to life without this young man who seemingly had his whole life ahead of him.

Aren't we all on a roller coaster ride in life? I sure feel like I am! I'm overwhelmed by how dramatically my prayer list has grown in the last 2 weeks with bad news followed by more disheartening news mixed in with joys and hope! But, like these lyrics say, you can't really, REALLY smile until you've shed some tears - I could die today or i might live on for years. Let's strive to make the most of THIS moment because we're not promised any certain number of moments! Strive to embrace the experiences along the way and hold fast to the Lord who is there in all of it. He's there in the crazy, tragic, magical, awful, beautiful parts and has an open invitation for us to invite Him on that journey each day.