Monday, November 11, 2013

21 Weeks & First Pics!!

Today, Jon and I went for my 21 week check up and for our first close ups of Baby VK!! We are in LOVE!  What an incredible reminder of God's presence in our lives!  We had so much fun seeing our sweet baby for the first time! 

We debated all week, last night and even on the car ride today whether we were going to wait to find out if Kincaid was going to have a little brother or sister.  Such a tough decision because we have no regrets about waiting to find out with Kincaid!  So many pros and cons were tossed out, and we've already finalized both our top boy and girl name.

So, this time around, we decided to mix things up!

So.....without further ado, we are having a....


While Jon and I DO know if it is a boy or a girl, the rest of you will have to wait until Baby VK makes his/her first appearance in late March!  Until then, baby's now 14 ounces, heart rate 148-149, and as far as the initial looks go, is perfect and healthy!  Our Dr. will take a look at all the shots and call next week to confirm!

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