Saturday, October 19, 2013

Losing the locks...

Look at our little guy and his adorable curls!  I love his curls and they remind me so much of how Jon's looked when he was little!  While I love everything about his curls and have been dreading a trim, there are also those days when Kincaid's is just out of control!  No matter how much water and combing, those locks were getting long and wild!  While I am not prepared to give the kiddo a buzz cut, I have come face to face with the reality that something needed done!  

The first time I decided I was ready to finally embrace this milestone, Kincaid started to cut teeth something fierce, got a cold, and turned into a slightly grumpy toddler.  Whew!  I was spared facing this event for a few more weeks! 

I snapped this shot a couple weeks ago when I was sure I'd finally worked up the nerve to trim those locks and was confident my boy was feeling more like himself.  We were all ready before bath time, Kincaid was happily playing with the q-tips and containers, hair was wet, and scissors in hand.  I had already prepped myself by watching some YouTube videos to get some tips on cutting wavy hair, so was feeling good!

Then....I took those sweet locks, scissors ready to snip, and just couldn't bring myself to do it!  I told myself I would be better off when I had Jon home for some moral support!  :)

Well, the time had come when even Jon was telling me it was time, so last Wednesday, 10/16, we had a similar set up as before, and made Jon join us to make sure I'd go through with it!  Kincaid was perfectly happy to play while I snipped away, and it got easier after those first few cuts!  I cut about an inch off, and saved some locks for his baby book!  Here is the end product!

Happy and handsome as ever!  What a blessing!

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