Saturday, May 18, 2013

10 months

Kincaid had an adventurous 10th month!  Here is our big 10 month old and some highlights!!

  • 1st sleepover weekend of March 15th; stayed with Grandma/Grand dude and with Grandpa; He did amazing and we missed him a ton!  Nobody thought Jon & I would be able to sleep, but WE DID!! 
  • Took first couple of steps - 2 little shuffle steps
  • Stood up in the middle of a room unassisted while at childcare
  • Started to "bear" crawl when he had on shorts or no pants on
  • Oma & Opa visited and loved seeing in person all the new things K was up to
  • First Easter spent with Grandpa, Great Grandma C, Oma & Opa; no Easter egg hunt, but we had homemade pizza and nice family time
  • Eating food like a champ, and loves to eat food by himself - forget being spoon fed!! 

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