Sunday, March 24, 2013

Baking Day

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across this blog, Blissful & Domestic.  I love it!  This family lives on very little, but manages to eat healthy and live life well where it counts!  If you know me, you know that I love to save money an I love to make food from scratch!  So, when I came across this blog and her recipe for homemade hot dog and hamburger buns, I thought I'd give it a shot! 

You can get her recipe off the site, but I adapted it.  The only difference in my first attempt is that I used all ww flour.  

They turned out delicious, but they didn't rise too much like the blogger mentions.  They were also more dense than typical store bought buns.  Here is a pic of the deliciousness along with our homemade sweet potato patties!

I made a second batch of these buns last weekend, and decided I'd try a 50/50 of white all purpose and whole wheat flour.  They turned out even better than the first batch!  They rose quite a bit and still tasted great while being less dense!  Jon loves them and we eat them up for breakfast w/ honey/pb, as a dinner roll or a sandwich bun!  Such a great find!

My next attempt is going to be a great whole wheat sandwich bread!  I've been making various breads, but we cannot find a great WW version that isn't crumbly, dry or too dense!  I think I might have found the perfect recipe, so will share details once I have a chance to bake up a few loaves!

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