Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow and Ice and Blizzards...Oh My!

Dec 20, 2012:

We hunkered down yesterday and survived our first KS blizzard since moving here!  While we didn't get mounds of snow (just a couple of inches) we did get loads of wind!  

Kincaid was already safely home playing with Grandpa C, and Jon was released from school at 1pm Wednesday!  I worked until 5 and then made the icky drive home - thankfully it wasn't slick yet and just had to deal with blowing snow!  Jon has his first full snow day today, and Grandpa C is stuck with us at least for awhile yet this morning as the road home is snow/ice packed.  I'm hoping my 10am work delay turns into a full day, so we can just hang out in our pjs all day and get ready for our trip to the Mitten tomorrow!

We took advantage of some of our extra time together and let Kincaid have his first experience with snow!  He didn't really dig it :) but here are a few pictures of moments we captured!

Grace sure misses bounding through the snow!  It was so fun to watch her enjoying these few inches!

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