This little Life is what I'm particularly grateful for today!!
Our sweet boy is 5 months old! How this is possible, I really don't know! It has been the best 5 months, and is going too quickly! We'll go Monday to check out his measurements at the Health Department, but he is certainly healthy and happy!
Highlights from his 5th month:
Movement: Kincaid can now roll both ways!! He mastered rolling from his back to his tummy at the end of September (typically, infants roll from tummy to back first), and the last weekend in October, he started rolling from his tummy to his back. He still has to work quite a lot for this second roll, but is getting the hang of it! He also is a great sitter these days! It seems like his strength really developed quickly in a week's time! He can sit without toppling over for 5+ minutes!! It is so fun to see him learn how to stay balanced!
Laughter: He laughs so much these days, continues to love to see all the people at work, and brings so much joy to everybody! He is such a great baby, and continues to spoil us!! He really enjoys peek-a-boo, funny faces, silly noises and happy chatter! Jon can make him laugh like nobody else, and it is awesome!
Eating & Sleeping: He is sleeping well, though he has started to fall asleep earlier and wake up at night. I really am not ready to start feeding him baby food yet, so as of right now, plan to just keep waking up to feed him and put him back to bed until he hits 6 months.
Adventure: Took his first flight on October 19 when we went to Michigan for the weekend to celebrate Grandpa and Grandma VK's 65th wedding anniversary. He was a rockstar as I mentioned in an earlier post.
Baptism: Kincaid was baptized on October 28 and we were so blessed to have all of his grandparents there along with Great Grandma Wilma and Uncle Tyson/Aunt Kathy.
Other: Kincaid loves to be in his exersaucer/jumper, on the floor to roll & play, and sitting up! He loves to see and "talk" to people, and is so curious! I LOVE to watch him when he notices something new or different! He kind of cocks his little head, or leans in to get a closer look, or gets this real determined look on his face/furrows his brow. It is so darn cute! He continues to be fascinated by Grace, and you can certainly tell who he recognizes by his big grin! Caid no longer "growls" but is more into this sort of frustrated sounding noise even though he makes it when he is happily playing. He has also been biting/sucking on his lower lip the past week and it's real cute! He has also been making this really cute face where he sort of bunches his lips and scrunches his nose at the same time! I hope i get a picture of it, because these little quirks are fleeting!!
Today I'm also thankful for Liberty. We have the right and freedom to go cast a vote today. I'm not really into politics, and I am certainly not about to go on a rant about either candidate. Simply grateful for the option to vote, and hope that all will take advantage of this opportunity to make an informed decision and prayerfully cast a vote today at the polls!
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