Saturday, July 7, 2012

Caid turns 1 Month Old!

It's hard to believe that our little guy is 1 month old!! Caid celebrated this milestone by meeting and hanging out with his sweet cousin Zayley!  She is just 10 days older than Caid and quite the beautiful little girl!!

We weighed Caid the day before (July 5), and he tipped the scales at 11 lbs 14 oz...remember he weighed 8 lbs 14 oz when he was born and had dropped to 8 lbs 4 oz a few days after birth.  He is a growing boy with a healthy appetite!!

Highlights this month:
-had a ton of quality time with each of his awesome grandparents
-went on his first road trip/vacation @ 2 weeks old to Michigan where he met tons of new friends and family
-gained 2 lbs on vacation
-starting to stay awake longer and much more alert
-smiling more though, despite what his grandmas say, not quite on purpose YET :)
-grown out of his newborn size clothes
-met cousin Zayley
-went to part of Mom's 10 yr reunion @ 1 month old
Caid - Prenatal 20 weeks

A few days after arriving home.

We sure LOVE our little man!! It's been the BEST 1st month, but is going too fast!!

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