Monday marked the 6 week count down to Baby Vk's estimated arrival date! Here are a few updates from the most recent dr. visits along with some developmental milestones!
We went on Friday, April 13 for our monthly Dr. Visit -
Jon was able to come along with me again and it is always so cool for us both to hear our baby's heartbeat! Remember, last month, the heart rate was 140, down from 156 in February. At our April visit, the heart rate was 160. So, for all of you (ahem MOM) that are clinging to the old wives tale that predicts sex based on heart rate - I guess Baby VK is keeping you guessing!
I continue to measure 2 weeks ahead - this has been consistent since my 20 week check up, and I'm not doing any reading into this and putting no hopes in an early arrival :) though with my body becoming increasingly achy these days I'm sure it won't be long before I'm hoping for that!
Nothing eventful for this visit! Next appointment was scheduled for 2 weeks out (April 30), then I'll have another 2 week appointment before starting weekly ones. Appointment schedule:
April 30
May 14
May 21
May 28
June 4 - Baby Due!!
So, we'll see and boy howdy is there a lot to do before June 4!!
- at 34 weeks, we're in our 3rd Trimester!
- Baby is about the size of a large cantaloupe and is long - Baby has reached the length (likely between 19-22 in) that he/she will be at birth, but is continuing to pack on the weight! Baby is probably somewhere around 5 lbs right now and will likely gain 1-3 more lbs before leaving the womb
- His/Her brain is developing rapidly during these last 3 months - so i need to be chowing down on some Maple Salmon!!
- Baby Position - while the doc hasn't told us about how the baby is positioned lately, Baby VK is definitely enjoying making him/herself at home, at least for much of the body, right under my ribs more often than not! It's so fun to see the baby rolling around and Jon is often trying to catch the baby's movements these days. It's much easier than earlier on in the pregnancy! Jon poked the baby during our birthing classes the other night though, and baby kicked ME back in the BLADDER - thankfully there were no leakages :)
Overall, I'm still feeling really great! Aside from much more frequent trips to the restroom (mostly due to how much water I consume each day along with the increasing jabs to the bladder by baby), some soreness from a weekend trip to Kansas City, and being a bit more achy than usual - I'm having a great 7th month of pregnancy!! Jon has been giving me a massage more days than not as of late and has really stepped in around the house - which has been a huge help!
We have one more birthing class in Hays (4 weeks focused on labor/delivery, 1 on infant care and 1 on breastfeeding), which we'll be glad to have done. We really loved the classes, but it makes for a long day. I get off work in Pburg at 5, pick Jon up at the house at 5:30 where he has some sort of dinner ready to go, we hop in the car and get to Hays around 6:15-6:30 with the classes going until 8:30 or 9, putting us back home in Stockton anywhere between 9:15-9:45. Whew - that sure takes it out of us!
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