Sunday, January 29, 2012


So much to be thankful for in the last 24 hours!

For starters, I got to FaceTime with Rach yesterday for a long time! It was so fun to catch up with her and here how she has been doing! I love that girl like crazy and am so proud of the young lady that she is! Her thoughtfulness, honesty, and love of nature are just a few of the things I respect about her and that make her special! Such a cool person, and it made my day to talk with her!

I also have to say that I'm super proud of Alli who had her 3rd competitive gymnastics meet yesterday and earned 3 Blues (top ribbon) and 1 Red (2nd highest). While it's awesome that she did so well, I'm mostly proud of her because from what I've been told, Alli has FUN through gymnastics and she has steadily improved because of her attention to the sport! It was so cool to see the pic Karen sent and see that beautiful smile on Alli's face showing her accomplishment!

On another awesome note, Lena and Wessam FINALLY got to meet precious Avala! Born at 11:11pm on January 28! So happy for them and can't wait to see pictures!! Many people were lifting their family up in prayer, and the Lord answered our prayers for a healthy baby, healthy mom and natural delivery! He is so good and I think I've thanked Him a thousand times for listening to the desires of Lena's heart with this process!

Also thankful that I got to start my morning out relaxing with Jon and listening to an incredible sermon online from Ada Bible on humility. We can't wait to listen to the 2 other parts of the Character series, and are grateful for the reminder of what it means to live and serve humbly! I highly recommend this message to anybody who finds himself struggling with pride from time to time - you can get it at, click on media player, click on "Character" under the sermons list, and you're ready to go! What we love about Ada's online sermons is that you can watch the video OR listen!

Finally - we are LOVING all this sunshine and warm weather! Today is supposed to be near 60 and it looks like our week will be pretty similar! WE'll be spending time outdoors today for sure!

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