Friday, January 10, 2014

30 weeks

Well, I'm just shy of 30 weeks, so went in for my check up today.  Here is just a quick run down of our appointment!  Baby continues to do great, and like last time, I'm measuring about 2 weeks ahead (32 wks), which isn't uncommon I don't think.  All that I take that to mean is that my baby bump is big, which I already feel :) Kincaid measured similarly and was 2 days past his due date, so yeah!  Baby's heart rate was down to 135 today where it had previously been pretty steady at 150ish in the last visits.  Maybe this is because I had to have my glucose screening today which meant the only thing I consumed until 3pm today was some mixed nuts and water.  Fingers crossed all those cookies and other sweet treats I devoured over the holidays don't cause me to have a positive test for gestational diabetes!!! No news is good news, so hopefully that will be the case :)  I need to get a picture taken to capture this growing bump, so maybe I'll add that to my to do list for the weekend!  So, just a quick update, and so thankful that little baby is growing right on track and we're both doing well!  

Have a great weekend! 

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