Monday, July 30, 2012

The story of us

My life changed dramatically when I walked into Founder's on that day 4 years ago.  Little did I realize that I would meet the love of my life.  In fact, I was at a point in my life where I was determined not to meet the love of my life, but as usually goes, God had a different plan.  On that wonderful night, I met Tiffany Michelle Couchman.  I don't remember the date, I don't remember the conversation going around the table, nor do I remember what she was wearing.  I do remember her face and the look in her eyes.  I remember being struck by her.  I wasn't going to let myself get that twitterpated at the time, remember I was purposely trying not to meet "the one."  But I was struck.
Not that many months later, we started dating.  Again, I tried to keep my expectations realistic; I had been burned in the past.  But something just seemed different about this woman, different in a totally new and wonderful way.
Slowly, ever so slowly, God began to convince me that it was in fact time to come to grips with the fact that I was dating the love of my life.  I was dating the woman I had always dreamt about, a woman with a heart of gold, strong, determined, and resilient, who strove to be her best and to make others better.
I was convinced, but could I make myself vulnerable enough to open up that tough shell that was the door to Tiffany's heart?  I knew I had no choice but to try.  Slowly, every so slowly, Tiff began to realize the extent of my feelings for her.  And she began to realize the depth of her feelings for me.
It was a little over a year after we started dating that I took her to Ludington.  I knew what her answer would be, but I was still incredibly nervous.  I thought I knew what God wanted, but was I wrong?  No, I was not wrong; God had made it extremely clear to my thick head that she was the one.  I got down on one knee and asked the question.  You should know her answer by now.
Never in my life have I felt God's guidance so much as when he introduced Tiffany into my life.  Each day, my life has been better than it was before.  Each day, she helps me to become a better man, and each day I thank God for her.
And now, as you all know, God has blessed us with a little bundle of joy named Kincaid.  I have never been so proud as when he popped out.  He is a result of my love for Tiff and her love for me.  He is beautiful, and he is perfect.
What is so wonderful about it all is that I get to see Tiff at her very absolute best: as a mother.  I have never seen a person with such innate gifts for parenthood.  She automatically knows how to make kids like her and still be firm at the same time.  They respect her.  They want to be with her.  They love her. Caid is no different.  I see the look of love in his eyes as he peers at her.  I see the effect that her voice has on him.
This one's for Tiff.  My life and my love.  The perfect mother.  My beautiful wife and my best friend.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cool Mommy Moment was the perfect day for a cool mommy moment!  It's my last day of maternity leave and I'm really bummed to have to return to work tomorrow!  I am so thankful for a job that I enjoy and for the income, but I'm so sad to be leaving my little guy!  I really feel that I'm meant to be a full time mom, but that just isn't in the cards for our family right now.  We are praying about how that can happen at some point, so until then, I'm trying to make the best of where we are right now!

Now for the cool mommy moment!  While we were driving home this morning, Caid woke up and was very hungry.  The problem was that we were still 40 minutes from Stockton.  He was crying his "I'm really hungry and now getting mad" cry, and being tired and hungry ourselves, we were struggling with the drive/crying baby.  Thanks to Jon, I finally thought to grab my iPod.  Just this last week, I'd recorded a video of Caid smiling as I sang a song to him.  I quick pulled up the video, pressed play and just like that, he calmed down.  I repeated it several times and then we didn't hear another peep from him until we got home!  What a cool moment to have Caid hear my voice singing to him and be instantly soothed!  I feel so blessed and overwhelmed by the connection that parents have with their children!  So thankful for my awesome hubby and our precious little guy!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Making memories

Caid had a great first trip to Lake Wilson on Friday!  We spent the afternoon with Grand-dude and Grandma at Wilson!  Caid insisted on wearing his new outfit from Aunt Brenda and Cousins Alisha & Emily!  He didn't last long in the heat, and was soon down to only his cloth diaper because of the heat! Thankful for the AC in the camper!  Caid took 2 naps with Grandma while Jon and I went for a dip in the lake! This is a first of what I hope turns into many trips to the lake for our family!  Some of my best memories growing up were the almost weekly day trips to Cedar Bluff with family and friends!  We hope your weekend was relaxing and full of great memories like ours!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Caid turns 1 Month Old!

It's hard to believe that our little guy is 1 month old!! Caid celebrated this milestone by meeting and hanging out with his sweet cousin Zayley!  She is just 10 days older than Caid and quite the beautiful little girl!!

We weighed Caid the day before (July 5), and he tipped the scales at 11 lbs 14 oz...remember he weighed 8 lbs 14 oz when he was born and had dropped to 8 lbs 4 oz a few days after birth.  He is a growing boy with a healthy appetite!!

Highlights this month:
-had a ton of quality time with each of his awesome grandparents
-went on his first road trip/vacation @ 2 weeks old to Michigan where he met tons of new friends and family
-gained 2 lbs on vacation
-starting to stay awake longer and much more alert
-smiling more though, despite what his grandmas say, not quite on purpose YET :)
-grown out of his newborn size clothes
-met cousin Zayley
-went to part of Mom's 10 yr reunion @ 1 month old
Caid - Prenatal 20 weeks

A few days after arriving home.

We sure LOVE our little man!! It's been the BEST 1st month, but is going too fast!!