Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mountain Man

Kincaid will be 16 months this coming week, and we just can't believe how quickly he is growing and developing new skills!  Seriously, I've worked with kids for years, but it is incredible to see these developments on a daily basis. It is a true miracle!  

Every morning, Kincaid wakes up and is immediately ready to go looking for Jon when I'm the one that goes to fetch him.  I love hearing him say "dada, dada, dada," as he goes room to room looking for him.  It is so sweet and is a clear testament to how much love he has for Jon!  Caid continues to sleep great at night, which we are so thankful for!  I've got to admit, I'm grateful for how solid his bedtime routine is and that he is in bed no later than 7:30pm!  I have been exhausted these last few months, and don't see how all you parents out there manage to keep everything together if your kiddos go to bed later in the evening - kudos to you!! 

All that sleep sure prepares Kincaid for his busy days of learning and growing!  The kiddo has become a crazy climber, and we can't leave him alone or turn our backs on him for more than a few seconds without him climbing onto some piece of furniture!  He scares this momma every day with his fearless climbing and new attempts at adventure!  His climbing skills are so impressive that they have even earned him the nickname "Mountain Man" on his second day at his new childcare!  They are impressed by his climbing, though I'm sure it makes their day more challenging, and regularly remark on how fun, easy going and sweet he is.  He has made some fun new friends, and is learning to nap on a mat, which we can't quite believe, but good for them!  

Kincaid's language skills are developing very quickly, and it has to be one of the coolest areas of development for us as of late!  It seems like each week he has a handful of new words that he is using, and this week, out of nowhere, he started both saying and pointing to his ears/eyes/nose and mouth.  We're practicing others, but it's just like one day it clicked and he knew how to put them together.  He is also beginning to be able to point to photos in a book (i.e. where is the horse?  where is the motorcycle? where is the kitty?  etc). 

His words now include the following (to the best of my recollection):

  • momma, dada, gracie (1x)
  • doggie, llama (we are pretty sure), kitty, horse, donkey (we think)
  • door, ball
  • eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly button (toes and cheeks are close)
  • mine, me, this
  • milk
  • please, thank you, more
  • uh-uh (this is very regular as of late and accompanied by him shaking his head no); uh-oh, whoa
These are the ones that come to mind right off hand. It is so cool!

In addition to his constant "talking," Kincaid loves being outdoors, playing with cars/trucks, opening and closing any door (yes we've had some finger pinches, and no he cannot open a closed door on his own yet!), "driving" anything with a steering wheel, chasing Grace around the house, attempting to "ride" Grace (which quickly results in her running out from underneath him), playing with blocks and balls, and climbing on EVERYTHING that he is able to.  He can kick and throw the ball, though it is still not very smooth in either case, and he loves to pull around his wagon full of toys.  

If you can't tell, he keeps us on the move, and we find ourselves very ready to relax at the end of each day :) a daily routine of chores, planned meals and consistent schedule have been key to us keeping it together since summer has ended :) so grateful for Jon and all he does to help our home run smoothly each day.  I wish I was one of those wives that could do all the cooking and cleaning and other traditional roles, but this momma just can't swing it with our work schedules and life!  Happy Jon jumps in where he is needed and we've thrown those roles out the window for now!  I just remind him how cool it is that I've allowed him to discover his hidden talent of cooking since he cooks most nights of the week :)

I'll wrap up for now since my little guy is up from his nap and we're heading out to enjoy the beautiful day.  Love to you all and hope your week is full of many blessings!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Hi all!  Thanks for those of you that haven't given up on me yet!! I haven't forgotten about our little family blog!  However, after an unexpected summer, I haven't been able to bring myself back to the keyboard in these last few months!  Thanks for your patience and understanding :)  

This morning, as Kincaid is napping and Jon is on a birding weekend with friends, I'm forcing myself to get out even the smallest of posts!  I'm not quite ready to pick up where I left off with the blogs, so instead, I'll start with right now!

For those of you that don't know, Kincaid will become a big brother sometime in March!  We are so incredibly excited and nervous!  We've loved all this time with Kincaid and watching him grow and learn more each day!  It's hard to imagine dividing our time even further!  However, we know that this new addition will be an incredible blessing, and wouldn't trade that for anything! 

I am grateful to report that, while I've felt more nausea this time around, it has been very manageable and has tended to be in the evenings!  Thankful I don't have to suffer through that while at work! I'm also very happy that I'm nearing the end of my first trimester so most of this has subsided!  I am very tired by the end of the day, and am looking forward to the point in pregnancy where I have tons of energy :)  Bring it on! 

If you'll remember, when I was pregnant with Kincaid, our family got an awesome surprise that not only would he be joining our family, but that we'd also be having another little baby join, too!! Well that little gal is my niece Zayley, born 2 weeks before Kincaid.  While it doesn't happen often, when it does, we love to see Z and K play together and all the similarities in their development!  We love having them so close together and hope they become great playmates and friends!  That is why we were in disbelief and even more thrilled to find out that not only is Kincaid becoming a big brother this spring, but that Zayley is also going to become a big sister!! Thankfully, their due dates are a month apart this time, so it won't be so stressful for some of our family!  We couldn't be more excited for Cait & James to be welcoming baby #2 near the same time as us!! 

I'll wrap up for now and get some more posts out soon on our summer and what we've been up to!  Here's are parting pictures of our sweet little guy sporting his new cowboy boots from Gpa Mark and visiting the piggie (we visit her often as her days are numbered...she is in line to become bacon now that the local fair is over)!