Wow....I am way behind in posts! These last few weeks have flown by, but there are a number of fun updates re: Baby VK!
Baby Update
For starters, we had another monthly dr. visit this last Monday, February 13. Aside from the fact that I thought it was smart to set the dr. appt for 8am (it's a 45 min drive), it was an awesome morning! It was our 24 week check up and all is going GREAT with baby!
Heart Rate: 156 (up from 140 at week 20 visit/sonogram)
Belly Measurement: 26 weeks; at my 20 week visit I measured 22 weeks, so at least I'm consistent :)
Baby's size: Eggplant (9 in; 1.7 lbs) - at least according to the app on my ipod!
I've been feeling the baby moving since early in January; however, it had seemed that more recently, there would be long periods of time that would pass without really feeling much. I made sure to ask the nurse about it this last week, and she assured me that these coming weeks, baby would be moving very regularly and noticeably. Smart woman! This week the baby has been moving and moving and moving and I love it!! I especially love when I'm home with Jon and he's able to feel or see the baby move, too! I keep trying to capture it on video, but nothing too solid so far :)
Our next visit is on March 9 and will include the wonderful Glucose Test to check for gestational diabetes...minimal sweets for me!!
Jon and I have also been working on our baby registry! We haven't quite adjusted to being SO far away from baby stores....but we're making do with online shopping :) We did some pre-registering online, and then had an unexpected trip to Iowa last weekend (more on that in another post) where we found ourselves 45 minutes away from a Babies-R-Us in Sioux Falls, SD. So we jetted over there for an hour and Jon had fun with the scan gun :)
Last night, flipping through a baby magazine, I stumbled across a site called It is awesome! You can add ANY baby item from ANY online site and it stores it in the central location. A one-stop baby registry. In just the little bit of time that I checked it out, here are a few of the things I love about it:
- centralized: I don't have to provide multiple links for the various stores we register at.
- price comparison: not only does the site sometimes give automatic price comparisons between sites (i.e. will show prices from BuyBuyBaby & Amazon), but it also gives the purchaser freedom to look elsewhere for the item, buy from anywhere (online, in the store, Craigslist, Nextech, garage sale) and still reserve it (show as purchased) at
- We can support local businesses! I can now go to any website to add items to the registry, and am not limited to the big box store!
Me & Baby at 24 weeks